Day 10

Basil Panakis
Fri 30 Jun 2017 11:25
42:49 N 15:46 W Baro 1029 rising, C60C, W13-20 NNW v to N.
Yesterday rice with chick peas and sausages. Wednesday pasta with bacalhau
and peas. Finished my tomato and cue, three more boiled eggs left and a bit of
chorizo/salami. These are for my elevenses.
I am still having the head winds in various guises between 16 to 24 knots
and from NW to N. Cannot complain I am moving. I stopped taking the second lot
of antibiotics, the 6 hourly ones, I have no swelling and I feel fine, I even
eat without the “prosthetics”. Soon we will be half way home. I have not seen
any mermaids at 42, what is there at 44 N?