Lanzarote 22 November

I flew in here on 14 November, to sort out the boat and leave in a week or so. I was planning to depart yesterday but it was dead calm. So it has been postponed for a few days. It rained this morning and the temperature took a dip. This morning so far I have been messing around with micro SDs and USBs transferring music around. Alan's and John's music is not recognised by my radio. May be the SDs are exceeding the recommended size. So I put some on a known SD that worked last time (16GB) and see what happens in a while. I have been writting some notes which I want to put on the blog. When I arrived on Monday the first thing I did was to ty to start the engine. Both my batteries were flat. So arrangements were made through Christian for angineer to come the next day. Also a diver was to call on me and discuss the cleaning of the hull. Then I had something to eat and crushed out not before bringing on deck the inflatable dinghy, liferaft and spinnaker pole in order to make some room. Jackie took me to Uni coach station but the coach arrivd late and did not call from the Uni's designated area. At 0100 hours took a taxi to the coach station in Southampton. I saw the driver who told me that they changed the pick up point due to works at the University. I did not sleep at all on the coach to Gatwick, did not sleep on the plane either. I paid extra again for an overweight suitcase 24.8 kg. The whole area at the airport is automated though there is personel to assist you. The roll of charts took as cabin luggage, I was a happy bunny. Then the real work began. Fixed the genoa car. Added the rings to the jackstays. Secured the liferaft at the back. Secured the dinghy on the foredeck. The electrician took three batteries with him to charg them. Supposed to have brought them back same time next day. It was Thursday afternoon when he turned up. Engine started fine. He charged me 5 hours at 25 Euro per hour plus VAT. The diver made arrangements to come on Tuesday at 1700 hours, he was late so he came on Wednesday at 1100 hours, charge 40€ . Now that I had the engine running it was time to flush the engine. I acquired Aqua Forte from Christian, 5 litres and did it myself. Christian's people have never done this so just as well do it myself. Meanwhile I met Chris, ex Harbour Master of Cowes who gave me some hoses and advised me to use this AF diluted. Thsi was a foul smelling excercise. I think it made some difference but most of the muck came out from the exhaust as I run the engine with all the hoses reconnected as normal. I could smell the rotten eggs the next day when I run the engine again. Friday night was a disco night with the loud music not stopping before 0600 hours on Saturday morning. I asked to be moved and this time I picked my own berth out of 3 choices. Next to a Brit, Graham who took my lines together with a French couple who are going to Patagonia. A girl tried to get on my pontoon which I quizzed before I let her in. Fiona, an Australian, wanted to photograph a silhouete of an arty horse, not unlike that of the White Horse in Wiltshire. She is the Captain of a 60 ft Lagoon cat on the maiden trip to BVI. Brand new engine blew up and are waiting a replacement Volvo engine under guarantee. The Charter goes at 10K per week. Met her again one evening with her crew and her new Captain, names exchanged and I was invitd to go onboard. Time was flying and I had not the chance to see the island. On Saturday morning I went to the local market by the Church, a small local affair. I rushed back to the boat as I made arrangements to have the engine oil changed with the help of Chris. This took a good 2 hours with a lot of chit chat. I will put a stop now as I feel a bit peckish and cold.