Sunday 18-6-2017 Week one
A lot of things happened in the three weeks that I have been here. First week week was mainly buying provisions, some days two trips to the supermarket. I had a number of lunches at Lou's and take aways for the evenings. I did not cook at all the first week. On Saturday visited Dr Pedro who fixed 3 of my teeth. One hour and a quarter for €90, a bargain. They booked an appointment for me to have an MRI for Tuesday, Monday was Spirito Santo. The arrangement was that if I was healthy he could operated within 2 days. Spent a whole day to find a bank to exchange £ for €. Eventually one banker suggested I go to Angra. Then trie to make arrangements with Olaf, whose bank would take 10 day to pass the £ to his account. ith Paolo the Marina Manager was the sam he was scrared that one day they might ask him where did this money come from "DRUGS" was his min worry. Considering that he only earns 734€ per calander month £300 looks a substantil amount. Klaus charged my AGM, under sink battery. Filled two gas bottles, one was not fully empty but for €6 a bargain to have it filled. Wrote to Marlec and had a quick responce and was advised to start from scratch. Which I did and everything worked for a while. Later it did not recognise the Wind Charger wrote again and was asked to send the item back when I get back in UK. I spent 3 days to find DIODES for the solar panels. Day one was the garage supplier, from where I was sent to a next specialist. Next day visited them when they sent me to another Expert, no luk there either though they did sell solar panels. A number o phone calls latter they suggested a repair shop. The following day went there and hey presto they had the items, I asked for 3 and when they heard my story they gave them to me for free. Glen had promised me one but could not find it. I bought a large plastic box and put the drogue in it,looks neater in the cabin. I rewired the new instrument panel the one prepared by Dave bac at NCSC. Olaf gave me some new labels the rest is with tapes, which will be sorted out when we get back. Other jobs on the list were the retightening of the screws on the furling drum with loctite and taped over too. Took out the anchor and warp, washed it, checked and refreshed my memory of the spinnaker cloth markings about the length available. I did not do anything with the boom I'll replace it back home or fix it there. Berwick Maid is a Nicholson 32 owned by Alex, his girlfriend writes for Yachting Monthly, the most uncommunicative person I hav come across, no smile, no talk. They spent 3.5 years around the Caribbean and thy overwintered here. Alex painted the yacht with industrial paint for £25 and it looks superb. He wants to sell the yacht for €30.000. Also just launched was Isabella of So'ton,with Jane and Michael. Both yachts from Hythe. I had a meal at Olaf's as I missed his BBQ which he held at his plot because I was asleep and he did not want to wake me. |