After me a German boat and then a French yacht followed me in. They had the same problems. The French boat struggled in and kept on calling for the rib but there was no reply. I met both yacht owners. The French guy invited me to join them on Sunday for a trip to Funchal. He wanted to fix his glasses and something about itunes. So I acted as their guide. Then they wanted to eat somewhere but not too expensive. So I took them to my little kerbside ambience. They had what I had the day before and I went for pork in tomato sauce with the trimmings. It was just as good. They were pleased. Then we went up the hill for Monte and beyond. The new Sunday receptionist gave a lot of information regarding day trips and the best places to visit and walk in Madeira. So we went up to Ribeiro Frio and had coffee there. Then through the mountains to Hippico, where Francois got out to see the horses etc. Apparently he was from an old rich family but he lost the lot, suffered from depression and spent 4 years in hospital and now Louis is rehabilitating him. Apparently it is hard work. I know their whole life stories. Very interesting. We stopped at Machico and I treated them to an ice cream by the beach. Back here had something to eat and then I watched the final. I knew France was going to lose...too much possession...same with the Germans... All by accident discovered that my genoa track car had split. I checked with Olivier but he has no cars in stock. It has to be ordered and it will take a week. So I asked him to find a solution and his suggestion was to tie the two halves with dynema, which he has done and refused to take any money. It is a sort of get me home solution for the trip to Lanzarote which most likely be on a port tack. It is the starboard side that is busted. Today I went to the main supermarket at Machico with L & F in their rented car. The lst bit of shopping. After the meal I was dozing when Louis came calling me. They have been pressurizing him to move his boat, all 16.5 tons of it and wanted my help. He was most appreciative. Had coffee there afterwards, meanwhile Olivier fixed the car. Jackie has a terrible cold back home. I believe she spent Friday in bed.