4 Hitchhikers.

Andy Gibb
Wed 26 Jan 2011 12:12
One perched on the sprayhood inches from Nic's head - not sure who was the more surprised when she put up her hand and touched it by mistake. It then went to join its friend on the cross bar on the back stay. A third spent the night perched precariously on the lifebuoy and a fourth briefly rested on the bbq at the back. They left at first light, not waiting for the included breakfast of flying fish collected on the deck as usual.
re breakfast: a packet of porridge oats, originally bought to add to muesli, was unearthed from under a bunk and made into proper porridge, which was wolfed down by all with cries of delight. Funny what 16 days at sea does for you...
We are still in the grip of strong adverse currents, which are not charted in any detail and are slowing us down a lot, but we still hope to be in by end Friday (we had thought Wed until the currents..).Interesting how little is known of the ocean behaviour, especially since it drives the global weather system from these latitudes.
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