700 miles to go Prize for the best fish recipe!

Andy Gibb
Fri 21 Jan 2011 18:13
marinated BBQ wahoo, seared wahoo with mayo, fish sandwiches, and today we
all mutinied and are having beef. We now have eaten 4 Kg of Wahoo, and have another 10Kg left. We need some good recipes for fish
please. We have a glass of wine or gin and tonic at 6pm each day, Nicky and
Martin limit themsleves to a soft drink. We had a scare today when the O
ring round the watermaker went missing, but 1. we have an 80 litre tank we
dont use except for emergencies, this gives us enough drinking water even if
there is no other source. 2. I managed to find an adequate replacement O
ring (originally intended for a fuel prefilter but it stretched when placed in boiling water OK). We also repaied our table, and took off a solar panel which is only 3 years old but had delaminated and shorted. We
continue to have rolly waves and 20+ knot winds in spite of forecasts, so
eta remains about Tuesday/Wednesday 25th/26th Jan. The moon is now so full
we can almost read by it.
Martin is now fully recovered and bounces around, does a mean BBQ, Jonny
watched a perfect storm on our DVD today.
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