Battling currents

Andy Gibb
Tue 25 Jan 2011 13:04
current is taken into account this is only 3.5 knots towards Cayenne. We are
280 miles from Cayenne so at 6 knots that is 47 hours and we arrive early on
Thursday. At 3.5 knots its 80 hours and we arrive Saturday. Which may not seem like much of a difference unless you
have been dreaming of a quiet bed and a living room that does not roll.
Still fish and chip last night was excellent, (chip being about it as our
potato stocks are now zero) and Intrepid is doing really well, she wants to
get to her new South American home too.
Having diagnosed more weather and current charts we are now going SW to try to get away from the Equaorial counter current which is causing us problems. Then catch the 2 knot NW current that flows up the coast of South America.
We had porridge today, best thing in the world, 4 of us sitting in the cockpit in tropical sun, rolly seas, slurping at porridge.
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