Repairs in mid Atlantic - Duogen and Plymouth Yacht Parts Excellent Service

Andy Gibb
Sat 22 Jan 2011 14:04
this morning investigating the forward shower pump which stopped. Not life
threatening, but if you are having a shower its nice to be able to pump away
the water (as the shower is below the waterline, just letting it drain out
to sea would sink the boat). The impeller (new on in Lanzarote) had broken,
and the guy in Lanzarote had walked away with the broken one when I tried to
get a replacement spare, so no spare. Martin and Jonny can pump out using a
hand pump but it seems unfair to the D'Eaths who are joining us in February
to tour French Guyana.
Luckily Andy at Plymouth Yacht parts who I have dealt with for years still
works on a Saturday, and a satellite phone call, plus detailed description
of the broken impeller and he will have 3 in by Tuesday and dispatch them to
the D'Eaths who will bring ithem out with them in the spirit of enlightened
self interest (its their shower that is being fixed).
Our electricity is produced by our fantastic Duogen generator which produces
10 amps every hour. When the arm/lug on the housing broke we fixed it and
its so strong that even this 'temporary' repair is still doing well - and
Duogen have agreed to send out a full replacement alternator and housing to
us in French Guyana with the D'Eaths at no cost. Duogen really is a
fantastic product and I have had truly excellent back up service from them
since I started using it. It's products and companies like this that make
sailing a pleasure and not an interminable argument with some faceless
We are all well and about to try my Poisson Cru - raw fish marinated in
lemon and coconut milk in the manner of Pacific fish. Martin's mum provided
what should be a good recipe for wahoo, so we will try that this evening.
Winds still 20-25 knots, still very rolly - Martin reckons 330,000 rolls for
the trip, that's a lot of movement, a bit more than step aerobics.
Have a good weekend.
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