165 nautcal miles to Cayenne in 24 hours

Andy Gibb
Sat 15 Jan 2011 12:41
cooked pepper steaks with sweet potatoe chips and green beans for Nic's
birthdy dinner, with sweet chile mayo eggs to start and papaya fruit salad
to finish with an elegant Rioja - which only Jonny and I drank. Martin had
green tea and a mug of Andy's homemade soup whihc is going down a treat (and
staying down).
We sailed 165 nautical miles towards our destination yesterday, that's not
just miles sailed that's actual miles covered towards where we want to go.
eta now about 25/26th January. Just one ship last night a big tanker that
came in Jonny's watch and he saw pass by 7 miles behind us.
We managed to contact the Atlantic radio net today at 1000, about 20 yachts
are in various stages of crossing the Atlantic, a number just about to start
from Mindelo marina in the Cap Verdes. We speak on the SSB (short wave
radio) and give our position, speed, wind speed and direction, wave height
so that others can have a good idea of the weather where they will be going
(actual winds rather than forecasts), and provide a back up in case of
damage or emergencies - one yacht for example has a problem with their
autopilot and the 2 of them are having to hand steer all the way across the
Atlantic - VERY tiring. People on other boats are trying to diagnose the
problem and help.
Sunny today, wind still 24 knots from the North East and boisterous seas we
are running the engine to give us hot water for our once/2 days showers,
Martin kept his watch well this morning from 0630 to 0830 and we are all in
good shape.
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latest postion and stories