
Andy Gibb
Wed 19 Jan 2011 18:42
The highlight of today is undoubtedly the one-and-a-bit metre,
twenty-five kilo Wahoo we caught this morning. I say we, but really
Andy did all the work landing and butchering it, with me providing ancillary
hooking and cleaning services. We took off about 16kg of meat to fill our
fridge and had to discard a quarter of the fish for lack of room -
that's lunch and dinner sorted for the rest of the trip! We started with
sashimi at lunch and will undoubtedly get through most of the fish recipies
we can imagine before the trip is out. The Wahoo was definitely not keen on
filling our larder, taking 200 metres of line at first with only 10 metres remaining before Andy turned it, and making several breaks for freedom over the 40 minutes it took to land.
This afternoon we also hit the "1,000 miles to French Guiana" mark,
adjusting our course to head straight for Cayenne and celebrating the
occasion with pancakes - we will take pretty much any excuse for a treat
:oP. We are heading straight downwind now and the wind has also dropped
slightly so we are moving a little slower. The sea is also a little smaller,
now gently rocking rather than vigorously bouncing. At this rate we should
make it to the other side in about 7-8 days.
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