Nuie - (67)

Position – 19.03.311S 169.55.461W Erratum: I made a big booboo with
Janice’s last post #65. I attached the wrong set of photographs, so you
may wish to go back over that post as the error has now been corrected. I wish to
assure readers that the mistake has not been taken lightly and that any
inconvenience caused is deeply regretted. Well, by the early evening the wind had
filled in and we had a great sail in a Force 6 gusting F7 from Beveridge Reef
to Nuie averaging over 7 knots. The seas were very uncomfortable though and so
it was a case of either enjohying or enduring it; I enjoyed! After the
4-nighter from Rarotonga to Beveridge Reef it was a simple overnight passage
and the good speed meant us arriving at 10.00 in the morning instead of the
originally expected early afternoon. Leaving Beveridge Reef, the surf being the
only indication of its existence Approaching Nuie Before reaching the leeward side of the
Nuie Apparently, Nuie, pronounced nu-way, is
the smallest independent country in the world. It is a single Island whose
circumferential road is 68km long. There is a very small population of only a
few thousand as many left after a 2004 cyclone demolished almost 90% of the
buildings. There are countless ruins and abandoned houses and more graves than
there are people living. The people however are extremely friendly and very
willing to chat and help. The old and the new The Village Green Innumerable graves by the roadside or on
individuals’ private property The ubiquitous chicken The anchorage is an open roadstead with
big strong moorings that are well maintained by the “Yacht Club”
which is really a café. The moorings cost NZ$15 per night and are well worth it
as the sea bed is a maze of limestone chasms into which many an anchor drops
and jams, never to be retrieved. NIUE Yacht Club & Café The Mooring Field Beaujolais on a mooring in Niue The swell is terrible in any winds between
South, through West to North. So much so, a crane has been installed on the wharf
to lift out dinghies as they would not last 5 minutes being washed against the
wharf. The Wharf and Crane – it looks very calm but the swell is
not captured by the camera Lowering the Dinghy Darryl the Crane Customs, Police, Immigration are all handled
in a friendly, efficient and simple way. A garbage charge of NZ$12.50 per yacht
and departure tax of NZ$34 per person are the only fees to be paid. Internet on the Island is reported to be
free but it actually costs NZ$25 to one-time register. The coverage is however
appalling, as is the reliability. I must halve wasted nearly a full day and a
half trying to maintain connections long enough to send/receive emails, update
the blog and skype. The Skype conversation was at best, terrible. But it was lovely
to hear Janice’s voice again. I am looking forward to Tonga and am
optimistic for a better service; we shall see… The weather here has been pretty poor for
the first 3 days and so I didn’t do any snorkeling until the fourth and
last day which was a great pity as the water is so crystal clear and blue and
the limestone geology presents countless caves and chasms to dive. Sadly, I had
not allowed for more time in Nuie though decent weather would have been
required. So, we drove around the island, sharing a
car with Michael, Ann and Jennifer from Callisto and had a very enjoyable last
day. Here are some pics. Mike of Callisto rings the Church Bell
– an old oxyacetylene tank! Not sure if she is a member Opening a coconut – the water
and flesh being a part of our lunch Thousands of limestone pinnacles, very
sharp Toga Chasm The WashAway beach bar was closed when we
got there, as were most places Nuiean Super Car Look at all the welds! The coastline is all heavily eroded
limestone with deep chasms and caves Limestone Carverns Perfectly clear water Mike floating on the salt water surface,
photographed through the hydrocline from the fresh water layer below There are very few shops, one small resort
hotel, and the Coral Gardens, a small but lovely hotel at which we stopped for
a sundowner after the drive around the island Nuie would be a good place to visit for
walking, cragging, snorkeling and scuba, especially with the one, weekly direct
flight from NZ. Oh, one last note. During our stay on
Nuie, I was extremely fortunate to learn the ancient Polynesian art of weather
forecasting: Polynesian Weather Forecasting Equipment Oh, and ….. Here’ssssssssss Skinky, alive and
well in Nuie |