The Crew Arrives - (8)

Thursday and the cavalry ( in the form of Rob &
Sheralee) were due to arrive, so we spent the day rushing around trying to get
the boat ready. As usual it was a hot, sunny, sweaty day. We were both
fractious and hot, so we went over to the cantina for lunch. Darrien was there,
having a pedicure. Anyway he told Roger I was working too hard and needed
pampering (every girl should have a gayfriend!!). So after lunch I had a quick
shower then spent the next 30mins having a wonderful foot massage and pedicure.
When I had finished Roger decided to partake and had not
only a pedicure (sorry haven’t got a photo as I didn’t have time to
get my camera), but a manicure also. It was so funny seeing him reclined in the
chair, beer in hand having his feet massaged in the middle of the cantina. We just had time to zip over to the airport to meet the
‘crew’. Safely on board, they set about unpacking and stowing their
gear. Fortunately, they had followed the joining instructions and had travelled
light (Sheralee has carte blanche to buy anything she needs here!!), so they
managed without too much trouble or inconvenience. We dined at the cantina (mainly because we still had no food
on board) and had an early night, ready for the next day, which was going to be
a killer. |