Edison...our saviour???? - (34)

Well, we arrived on Thursday afternoon just in case our
compressor had arrived and As we sailed through the anchorage we saw the supply ship
from Later, as we went ashore and saw all the cargo piled up
on the dock it didn’t take too many brain cells to work out that our cargo would
not be available in time for So, to cut a long story short, I am sitting here on Wednesday evening, having just
finished stowing all the food. So far the fridge seems to be working well (at
least the drinks are cold for a change). So, mid morning tomorrow we are setting sail across the
Pacific Ocean, 3000 miles to be exact, our destination, Hiva Oa in the
Marquesas, We are all ready for the crossing and perhaps the delay was necessary to put us all in the right frame of mind. You know when you get worked up about something and finally you just bite the bullet and get on with it? Well it’s like that. Apart from Roger, the rest of us were apprehensive about the crossing, for different reasons, but now we all just want to get on with it. So, apart from short, text only position updates which will show our progress on the google earth map, this will be the last major blog update for the next 3 to 4 weeks (possibly longer if we can’t find internet access in Hiva Oa) so stay tuned as I hope to have lots of news when I next update.
Kinky the skink is alive and well (but only just). We was sitting reading in the cockpit the other night and put my book down to get a drink. When I picked up the book, I felt something cold and clammy on my finger and threw it and the book. Yes, it was Kinky!! Anyway, she (I have decided Kinky is a she and I’ll tell you why later) was ok, perhaps a little stunned, but she hung around long enough to get a photo.
So how do I know Kinky is a she? Yes, today I saw baby Kinky. If you bear in mind that the stitching in the photo is normal sized and they are screw holes, it will give you some idea of how tiny it is. |