Mango Creek (Cont.)

The dinner turned out
to be a splendid evening. There were about 17 of us all told, many yachties and
a couple of the resort guests. The food was
excellent, salsa and guacamole appetisers unlike any I had ever tasted before.
That was followed by a delicious, spicy beef dish served with a mixture of
vegetables, some of which were new to me, rice and beans. I had to get the
recipes, this food was so good. As is my want, I was
drinking water, so popped into the kitchen to top up my glass (it’s all self
service as far as drinks are concerned and it operates on the honour system),
there I met Dalia, the head cook. I told her how much I
had enjoyed the meal and I simply must get her recipes. Delia is a lovely girl,
only 21 and 1 of 15 children. We chatted for a while and it soon became obvious
that she was passionate about cooking. So I suggested that she make a CD or book
of her recipes and sell them for a couple of dollars, to make some extra money.
She was overjoyed with the idea and we arranged to meet up the next
day. After a lovely
evening, Roger and I sat on the afterdeck with a hot chocolate (and a generous
helping of rum in Roger’s) enjoying the peace and quiet and the amazing array of
stars. We woke to a perfect
day, not a ripple on the water, not a breath of wind, sun shining brightly, all
in all a great for exploring in the dink and snorkelling on the
Plus there is very
good diving and lots of places to choose from. We even christened
the new swim ladder, boy that makes such a difference. Instead of scrabbling up
and throwing yourself into the dink, looking like some floundering fish, now I
can simply climb aboard. After we had dried
off we were just sitting in the dink when a school (pod, whatever??) about 12
dolphins swam past, just our luck, it would have been cool to have been
snorkelling with them. Later that afternoon,
I came ashore and met up with Delia and we started work on her cookery book.
Because we won’t be around to see all the dishes prepared and photograph them we
have enlisted Jeremy’s help to take them and insert them in the appropriate
place. Mango Creek is such a
lovely place, more like home than a resort. We climb up through the gardens,
spotting hummingbirds and monkey LaLas on our way up to the lodge. Usually,
there is no one else around, so we sit in the lounge, with Sailor, the gorgeous
Lab, Rottweiller cross and Krispy Kreme the pretty little black and white cat.
The views are
gorgeous and the sounds of the wind in the trees and the various animals are
very tropical. It really is a nice change from sitting on the
boat. Terry is a yachty
himself and makes yachties welcome. So that evening he invited everyone to join
him to watch a presentation from Paula and Steve. Paula & Steve, a
couple on a yacht called Long White Cloud (work it out Phill!!!!) gave the
presentation about their boat and their voyage to date. They built their boat
from scratch, it took them 7 years and is built on a 1930 classic design. They
have been very successful in winning the Antigua Classic Race week in 2006. It
was an excellent evening, very stimulating and also thought provoking. After
talking with them Roger and I are reviewing and revising our future plans. So it
looks like revision X is in the pipeline. Once again we sat had
our nightcap on the after deck enjoying the stillness of the night and the
wonderful stars. Guess it was the calm before the predicted
storm? The weather front
came through in the middle of the night as the winds howled, gusting up to 28
knots and a couple of squalls came through. Roger sat up a while, just to make
sure the anchor didn’t drag, although we did have the anchor alarm on. But we
had a good night with no mishaps. Pendragon dragged
anchor a couple of times and reset their anchor sometime in the night but other
than that everyone survived the front pretty well. Hiatus also had anchor
problems, so upped anchor and headed out for French Harbour, but not before
giving us their charts for Cartagena, thanks Kent and Heather, very much
appreciated. Pendragon were still
struggling with their holding, it can be a bit of an issue in Port Royal because
of the depths and bottom type so they too headed for French
Harbour. That left the
anchorage somewhat empty, just Long White Cloud and ourselves.
Excellent! |