Hotel California

Monday March 10th ….yes
you guessed PUERTO AVENTURAS!!!!!!! Here we are starting our
8th week in Which is just as well, because 2
days ago we fried 2 of our batteries!!!!!! I had gone to do some shopping and
left Roger & Rob about to fit a new in-hull transducer. When I returned they
were working on the batteries!!!!! Roger doesn’t know the cause, but it is
coincidental that we had just moved from our berth to another berth across the
marina and the onshore power polarity was reversed, so we had to get the
electrician to come and re-wire it for us, so we have our suspicions, but the
jury is out on it still. So what do the Dances do when the
proverbial hits the fan??? They
party!!!!! We started out on Saturday night
with an invitation to a party on Richard’s yacht. We finally surfaced at 11am the next
day, in time to get ready for the next party, which was an afternoon/evening
celebration of the 30th wedding anniversary of our friends Rob &
Sheralee. We had a wonderful time, dancing,
eating and drinking until 1am (we started at 2pm) and meeting lots of lovely
people, many of whom have been so kind to us in the time since we met them.
They took us into Playa to the
supplier, who it turned out didn’t have the right type of battery and
Still on the quest for the holy
grail Roger has contacted our new Mexican friends Juan & Angela to see if
they can help us find a supplier/distributor. Now if anyone can find something
it will be Angela because as a film producer that what she did for a living!!!!
Fingers crossed So the search continues and I would
like to thank all the people who have been so kind and so helpful., I would also
like to say thanks to Richard for the use of his internet, without which life
for us would have been so much more difficult….Thanks
Richard! The downside is that we have less
and less time to spend in the other places we intended to visit as we have our
flights booked for the 28th April. However, we are now firm believers
or is that converts to the ‘Rigid flexibility’ concept. So we have changed plans
(again) and will only visit Belize & Guatemala this trip (though as we had
intended to go to Honduras we have booked our flights out from there) and we
will start our next trip in Guatemala and go on to Honduras and further south
(but hey we practice rigid flexibility and planned spontaneity so that may
change before we get there!!!). This way we don’t miss out on
Puerto Aventuras certainly has a strange power over
people who visit. Many people end up here, never leaving. I wonder if it has
something to do with the Mayan Ruin that was demolished to build the
place??????? Watch this space! |