The San Blas, Panama (4)

As it was still early
morning we decided to sail over to Aridup for a quick visit (the anchorage is
only good for a short day visit) before heading to Nonomulu for the
evening. As usual Chris
dropped the anchor (he had been responsible for anchoring for the past 6 days
and doing a good job too) and we jumped overboard to explore the snorkelling.
Within minutes we
were enclosed in a huge shoal silversides, herrings or anchovies ( they often
shoal together and are virtually indistinguishable from one another). There were
millions of them. It was like a blizzard. You couldn’t see anything except the
fish. They encircled us and it was almost as if they were netting us!! It was
incredible and the 3 of us stayed with them for 5 or 10 mins before leaving to
search other species.
I called to Roger,
who (having practiced) speared it for lunch. Having learned our lesson (remember
the first lobster) she went straight into the pot when we got back onboard. (Please note we have since learned that it is
illegal to fish for lobster, crab and conch at the moment, so have ceased eating
them until June)
It was dark when
Roger, Lynne & Chris left (05.30) for the airport. I went back to bed and
when Roger came back he regailed me with the antics at the airport.
The airport (such as
it is) has no electricity, so the clerk sits at his desk with a torch and an
exercise book. The book as 2 pages
one headed Aeroperlas and the other Air Panama, both lined with 20 lines You
write your name on the appropriate page and wait to board. He checks nothing, no
passport, no booking reference. The planes are only small (20 seater), Lynne
& Chris signed in 1 & 2. The plane arrives, the driver (sorry the pilot)
gets out, opens the door, then he unloads the baggage and throws the next lot in
and you get on the plane, no one checks to see if you are on the list or
anything?? Very peculiar!!!!. Anyway they got away ok |