Bon Voyage.or is it??? - (10)

Roger had sensibly decided that we would sail over to the
fuel dock at about 10am and set sail about 11am. Everybody was going to come to
the fuel dock for Mimosas (Bucks fizz for the Brits) which is the Beaujolais
tradition whenever we set sail.
Doug and Lisa had arrived by this time, so Russ got his
dinghy and he and Doug guided us over to the fuel dock as we reversed
Beaujolais over. Roger could only presume that the folding prop had got so
fouled up it couldn’t change the position of the blades when he engaged
forward gear. He donned mask and snorkel and dropped in the water to
investigate. Sure enough the prop was not only covered in growth, but also
Barnacles!!! I popped down into the galley and prepared the traditional
bacon butties to accompany the Mimosas. Everybody was rewarded for their help with a butty and a
Mimosa. We had decided to delay our departure and sort the prop out properly,
so I invited everyone over for a party later!!! Roger went over to Geoff’s boat to borrow his
‘hooker’ ( a length of garden hose with a connector for a air tank
on one end and a reg on the other), Russ gave him their air bottle and he set
about cleaning off the barnacles and changing the sacrificial anode at the same
Had he of done so, he would have seen the prop, but we were
going to do it at anchor, so hadn’t. Ah well, Sheralee and I reckon we
weren’t supposed to sail today!! So after tidying up and prepping the food for tonight, we
(the girls that is) decided no more work, so I am sitting here in the cockpit, my
new i pod plugged in, writing this blog. I have also learned how to get
‘space’ anytime I want it. All I have to do is plug myself in and start singing and
everyone disappears!!!! Well Sheralee and Rob anyway (Roger was still under
water). |