Arrival in Newcastle, Australia

Fri 5 Nov 2010 08:30
Position S32.55.331
5th November 2010, 08:30
Well, we made it to Newcastle
and I am finally writing the blog entry. What can I say? It was a cracking
overnight sail/motor in quite boisterous conditions. We had sunshine and we had
rain. We had 4-5m beam seas with 30+ knot cross winds on the easterly
swell. Somewhat uncomfortable, but not at all boring, great fun and really,
what a great way to finish the trip!
I had a wonderful surprise when we
arrived as we were met by Janice, Susan, Phil and baby Rebecca, Kathy, Stuart,
Calum and baby Olivia (whom I had not yet seen). We had a lovely breakfast and
toasted the safe Pacific crossing with a bottle of bubbly.
Beaujolais is now nicely tucked up in
her berth.
No doubt there will be another
update in the New Year.