Marathon, Florida Keys

Mark & Leanne
(formerly of Ortega Marina in JAX) just happened to be at the same marina and
dropped by when they saw We also met Brenda, a
British waitress at Castaways, who made a beeline for us when she saw the Ensign
flying as we came in. She has very kindly introduced us to her friend in
Guatemala who owns a marina there, so we should have somewhere to leave
Beaujolais when we head back to Oz in May. Roger has been busy
cleaning and replacing the fuel filters and repairing the sanitation macerator
pump… again. It was replaced almost a year ago to the day in the
There isn’t much to
see though. We did visit the Crane Estate, 65 acres of natural park land. and an
interesting history. It was a lovely afternoon walk in the cool of the
‘hammocks’. I have been really
bad the past few days with a bad cold and laryngitis. I felt so bad when I got
up I didn’t even realize I was wearing one of my shoes and one of Roger’s.
On Sunday between 12
noon and 6pm is Happy hour….but after 6pm the band come on and it goes wild. We
settled down with a pitcher of Ice tea for me (told you it was wild) and a
pitcher of beer for Roger and waited for the appearance of the Florida Straits
Band. We figured as they started out in 1985 and were still going they couldn’t
be too bad. A five piece band comprising the usual lead and bass guitars, drum
and percussion, they didn’t come across on first impression as anything out of
the ordinary. Rocket Man
(percussionist) was the front man, The Fish (because he is so cool) on the
drums, Tommy Tunes, bass guitar and Donny Irvine lead warmed us up with a little
Jimmy Buffet. I’ll admit I thought to myself ‘oh how original, in the What they lost on the
vocals they more than made up for in their musical skills. So the evening
progressed nicely with the promise by the Rocket Man (I think he has that name
because he is so laid back it would take a rocket etc etc, you catch my
drift????) of friends coming along to jam later. Now what we didn’t
realise is that these guys must have a lot of street cred amongst their peers.
Each year, muso’s (musicians) from all over come down to jam with them, they are
so well regarded. So it was that we were about to experience some of the best
live music we have every heard…….and all for free!!!!!! But before I go on
let me give the dockside grill a little plug Rocket man style…….Let’s give it up
for Lee in the kitchen servin’ up all that good food. Then there’s John behind
the bar, he’s been here serving up drinks here for the past 19 years. And don’t
forget the girls, they’re on the floor and will get you whatever you want. So
get yourself some beer and wings and don’t forget we’ve got a dance floor here
and the dancin’s free, no cover charge. In fairness to the
Rocket Man, his plugs (which were as frequent as on a commercial radio station)
were very good and in no way misleading. The food is good, inexpensive and when
you see how small the kitchen is you forgive them the wait. The waitresses are
excellent. Friendly and very efficient. Drinks aren’t overpriced, a pitcher of
So the next Set
started and the first of the jammers arrived. We were treated to some amazing
vocals from the Hootchy Kootchy Man himself Mr Dave Preston. He was accompanied
on Bongo’s by Paul, who was also the dockhand at Burdines where we were staying.
The Rocketman took a break to mingle with the crowd. Man he could really
sing. His rendition of Mustang Sally was one of the best I , and Roger, have
ever heard, in fact I do believe it was better than the Commitment’s version. It
was too much for a soul to bear so yes, you guessed it, I was up on the dance
floor struttin’ my stuff, but I wasn’t alone, Roger was up with me too (no I
didn’t have to bribe him). Paul was then
replaced by Robert ‘Bongo’
By this time the dock
was really rocking. But it didn’t stop there. We were introduced to Reme a
diminutive blonde who played the bongos with amazing gusto. Her son, Victor, did
a couple of numbers accompanying his vocals with an acoustic electric guitar. He
also made, and played a mean bongo, his mom taught him everything he knew, well
almost everything I suppose. Joe Sorrensen, joined
the band and played harmonica, which added another dimension to the sound. Danny
accompanied his wife Debbie (who was also one of the waitresses) on his acoustic
electric guitar for her rendition of Santa Baby, before going on to accompany
his own very good vocals of a Beatles Classic. Then Rocket Man introduced New York Tim, the tallest guitar player in the Keys. Tim played lead and sang; he too was incredible. Although I didn’t recognise him as anyone famous, anyone who played like that had to be somebody, if you know what I mean,
Sadly it ended all
too early because of that regimented attitude and something called ‘an
Ordinance’ that says you can’t make any noise after 10pm……..come on!!! But the
four hours we had will, I am sure, remain one, if not the, main highlight of our
cruising. Thanks guys and keep on rockin’. It was a very special evening.
So folks, if you’re
ever down Marathon Way, make sure it’s a Sunday and drop in for the Jam session,
it’s well worth it. MERRY CHRISTMAS to
you all. We are thinking of
you. |