1st June 2008 - Back in Plymouth

Bali Hai
Neal Stow
Sun 1 Jun 2008 23:28
Trouble right from the off.  We reversed out of our berth and then headed out to the start line.  Unfortunately when we arrived we found that we could no longer engage reverse gear (and so could not slow or stop the boat).  Fortunately we were not travelling fast and there was no problem manoeuvring between all the yachts waiting to begin. 
We managed to start the race but instead of heading out to sea with rest of the fleet we were back into Mayflower Marina for repairs.  Fortunately Vision had also not left as they were waiting for a crew member and they were on hand to assist with the docking.  We were then saved by the fabulous Mayflower Marina who had seen that Phil, a Yanmar engineer, was around and called him to ask for his assistance.  Despite being a Sunday, Phil has happily said that he can fix the problem (fortunately it was with the throttle control and not the gearbox) and we should be able to set out again only a couple of hours behind the others, together with Vision.