2nd Day on Acoolturabi

Tue 22 Nov 2011 11:31
After a horrible calm trapped for more than four
hours trying ti get south with no success, finally at around Sunday midnight we
cleared and sailed towards the southerly route having winds from
In the early evening while we were flying the
spi and rying tom jibe catastrophy came....the spinaker was cut and had to bring
it down inspected and started working on repairing it. I had to cut at least
twenty meters of adhesive tape, stick it after cleaning the sail. The team was
working hard and efficiently so today we have to sew these 20+ meters......lots
of work.
receiving the ARC report we realised that we aren
tdoing so bad but need to take advantage of the good wind and continue soouth.
Seems there is a subtropical storm further NW and doesnt allow yet a light wind
ot disapear northerly so in order to avoid it we have to go south where the wind
seems stronger and more stable.
We get the weather from 3, 4 sources and we decided
to go south. My friend DimitrisF claims in one of his mails that the
boats that took the northerly route they are going faster. Yes we agree main
reason is that there are some Cats that are going faster on this course and they
do have winds due to the subtropical but there is a calm moving eastwards (if
you see www(dot)passageweather(dot)com you ll see this calm.
Never forget that we take decisions and all risks
Talk to you later cloudy skies here, light swell
and 15-20 kts wind