Good bye St Lucia

Tue 22 Dec 2009 12:03
21 Dec 2009 Sailed Rodney Bay at 08:00 LT and
motored and sailed to Marigot Bay, enetered this picturesque port and decided to
continue to Jealousie bay, a bay between the two Pitons. Beautiful view pick up
a mooring and went with the dinghy to see the coast where a a very nice resort
was and trhe rocks closer to Soufriere.
We met a very nice American couple on board
''Bob is your uncle''. Bob was a great guy who
gave me lots of info regarding the Intarcoastal Waterways in case we visit the
United States in the summer. We invited them on board for coffee, kourabiedes
and melomakarona. Michalis and Katerina were happy to use the dinghy and explore
the water around Armenistis.
We went to sleep early for an early start next
22 Dec 2009 After coffee at 06:00 LTee
sailed at 06:30 LT to St Vincent. We decided to stop only in
Walillaboo bay where the film Pirates of Caribbean was shot, just
visit and sail to Bequia.
The wind is no more than 8kts from the SE and we
are motoring with the full genoa up. As soon as we cleared the islad of St Lucia
the Atlantic swell makes the trip very pleasant. Big waves and nice breeze is
nearly 90 degrees on our port tack. Lots of boats are around mainly Catamarans
sailing the same course.
''Bob is your uncle'' about half a mile ahead of us
(a Hylas 46ft).
The wind has pick up we are abeam of the North side
of St Vincent ETA Wallilabou bay in one hour 11:00LT
Pictures will be send when good internet connection
is found.