Isola Lipari

Wed 28 Jul 2010 19:03
28th July 2010 10:30 arrived at Lipari (Aeolian
at 12:40 we anchored 200 meters from Capo Rosso where
there was a deserted factory, mine of some white stone. We went
swimming, diving and snorkelling in beautiful waters in
Punta Scanarello with a lot of boats around starting their Ferragosto
holidays(the Greek δεκαπεντ Αυγουστος) which is one of the most important
Catholic holidays, because it's the day that the Virgin wasAssunta in
Cielo, in other words transported directly to Heaven to be with her
son, Jesus, and also to look after those of us still here on Earth. Oh my
God!!! I am getting too religious.....
We plan to spend this night in the Marina Pignato and
see the village of Lipari.
At 14:30 We arrived in the Marina, but had made the
mistake to arrive too early, it was lunch time... so waited till 15:30 to
berth. A nice clean Marina, great for summer but I guess there must
be big uncomfortable swell with most strong winds especially
southerlies. It is obvious that it is very difficult to build a port/marina in
such deep waters.
Next day we decided to fill up diesel and we found the
bunkering station very interesting, it was a long steel structure perpendicular
to the beach, with full fender protection for the boats, able to serve very
efficiently from both sides any size of boat.