18.28.232N 42.21.057W

Wed 2 Dec 2009 03:46
2nd Dec-10th day Good morning to you all.It is 0320 am 2nd Dec and I am getting ready
forelieving Pantelis from his 01:00-04:00 watch, so I decided to drop a line
although it is difficult to punch the keyboard. The wind is between 20 and
27knots and the sea is rough to very rough sometimes listening heavy noices. The
weather has been like this the last 24 hours with some wind decrease for an hour
or two. We are tryinhg to improve our position by keeping most of the
time our canvas full and this has changed a bit our watch keeping by sometimes
having two persons up when it gets rougher and the boat tends to turn
into the wind. In our class we have some monsters that is very difficult to
beat, four Oysters 56, one Swan 59, one Discovery 55 and two Super Maramus
2000. The remaining of the class are similar yachts with us.
The last 24 hours we received also news about some
yachts in difficult position and we feel sorry and wish them all the best for a
safe landfall.
Yesterday at about 17:45 we came
very close to a 10,000tonner cargo vessel fully loaded bound to
Europe he was diving into the waves and tried to take some pictures. I
wonder what was he thinking while he was watching us. We are all fine trying to
keep our boat in good condition and order.
Some of you write to us why we are not fishing as
they have read other blogs that they describe their
catches, their fishing wonderful and they have a great time. Well that
is true the only difference is that they have more than 5 crew, and an auto
pilot!! We are now quite south now we have minimum 20kts
wind and we are the second boat with only 3 people on board. The other
boat is a B31 feet with three 24year old Swedish girls,
hmhm... who we wish them the best position for the race (We know some
readers will love it).
We have seen many flying fish the last 4 days and
everyt time they land on our deck we religiously put them back in the sea.
They are supposed to be an excllent fried ''meze'' for breakfast but my
crew rejects such gourmet dishes.
I have to leave you now time to appear on
Have a nice day