33.12.675N 08.49.223W

Mon 14 Sep 2009 17:35
18:00 hrs 14 Sept 2009 We are sailing full main and
genoa and make a speed of 8,0 to 8,5 knots, wind speed average 18kts and
direction 258 veering to 275 deg. Gusts ocasionally up to 23kts. Sea moderate
with waves from two different directions. Fortunately the chop from the coast
the big wave from the west..
We are now closer tro trhe Morrocan coast and we
still find fishing trawlers frequently.
Now that I write we are abeam with Cabo Al Jadida
and 54 nm from Cabo Cantin (Beccouza) the horn of the Morrocan coast where we
may face different weather.
Inmarsat weather will be received later ande at
24:00hrs UTC we will download ''Moving Weather''.
The night is dark and we can see the orange lights
of the Morrocan coast. The wind is still around 17kts and we still make 8,7-9,0
Dinner: [asta with beef, carrots cooked in tomato
sauce and creme fraiche with Kolines' grated chees (last dose A.
Regards to evrybody
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