Arrival at Las Palmas Gran Canary

Thu 17 Sep 2009 08:26
At 06:00 UTC we met a fishing boat ''YOLLANDA''
with three old men waving for help. We rolled the genoa and circled them to see
what was the problem. They told us in spanish that their propeler was tangled
with a net and we gave them a line and towed them at a distance of about
We decreased speed with a light wind and just the
main up and the engine at 2,200revs.
We called the Las Palmas Control Tower gave them
our details and we described the incident.
We were requested to wait for 5 mins to give us
Meantime a bulk carrier ''Mashuroo'' was coming
from our stern so looked with the binoculars her name and called on ch
16 requesting them to slow down and let us go first which he
When we entered the outer port at 07:30UTC the
port control had arranged the Marina inflatable to assist with the towage so we
left ''Yollanda'' free.
We continued to the Marina Reception and berthed
behind an Esthonian Nauticat awaiting formalities.
We visited the office, prepared all paper work and
when we finished we were visited by the three fishermen who thanked us for
our assistance and gave as a plastic bag full of big
calamari (θραψαλα).