15.01.582N 55.55.078W

Mon 7 Dec 2009 09:53
Monday 7th Dec 12:00UTC
Hello everybody, 6th Dec Sunday and the day of San
Nikolas we decided not to write and spoil your Sunday. We have been doing so and
so going thru several squalls (wind 18-27kt with gusts 30-40kt ) making good
speed ( 7,5-14,2kt) but overall the course and distance made wasn nt that great.
Too many gybes, few light rains eswpecially during the night Sun to Mon. We are
now about 299nmiles away from the finish line and hope we will continue have the
same strong wind.
The night has gone with lots of manual steering so
we dont fall asleep and sometimes when fatigue is reaching us our Hydrovane is
doing the work.
That is all for now. We keep you posted