39:35.42N 02:18.87E prototype red box from med to blighty

Hollinsclough - Is the World Round?
Tue 4 Aug 2020 11:59



Getting ready for a trip          


Palma to Blighty via the Midi canal


Gone Red Box prototype with Mailasail for a home run as lockdown lifts.


Daddy and Morgause in the north planning a trip, the deal has been done and the papers closed on a Sunseeker Predator. Sit down for this bit, the boat is in Palma. Crazy parents plan to sail it back to Blighty. Morgause is set to accompany Daddy on the first leg from Palma to the Bordeaux by the Midi Canal. Stocking various items to make the run, fuel filters first on the list, belts and impellars, then charts and cartridges for the geography. Andrew at Cactus on the case to match the chart electronics. Next problem is how to communicate, more than a decade since mailasail and Iridium helped save our family in the Southern Ocean. Things have moved on so Ed at Mailasail was on the case for a special delivery.


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Start of a new adventure blog set to be on the Mailasail web.


Palma by motorboat to Blighty via the Midi Canal on Mailasail red box prototype


World Sailing adventurers Carl & Tracey Hollinsclough used Mailasail Iridium comms around the World.  When it got tough, Mailasail helped save their lives, ice berg debris damaged their Oyster sail yacht in the southern Ocean. They spoke to the World via Mailasail and the story sits in a book called, ‘Certain Death in the Ice’ s Warship HMS Clyde raced to save their lives as the yacht sank in ice cold water.


More than a decade later Carl & Tracey pre-Covid committed to a powerboat from Sunseeker brokerage in Palma, lockdown lifting its time to collect the boat that they will keep in the UK.


They considered shipping or truck to get the boat home but then decided to return by water, ‘every day is an adventure’ Palma towards Barcelona, then north to the Midi Canal, Bordeaux, Biscay, Brest and the Chanel Islands. Carl & Tracey are long time members of the Royal Chanel Islands Yacht Club so Guernsey and Alderney are a must stop before a last hop over the Chanel home.


With the boat sorted and the trip set, next question was the communications. Time for a call to Ed at Mailasail for real world advice.


Wifi at the top of the list and with land generally close by Ed was quick to focus on the Mailasail Red Box. Add a BAT aerial for range on wifi, plug into the RedBox for a mixture of phone delivering choice and speed to keep in touch.


Mailasail stepped up, ‘Lets go prototype. Mailasail sorted a Silver box, their next generation device with the phone signal system already in the box.


Carl and Tracey will blog their Palma Blighty run via the Mailasail pages and check out how this brand new kit works.