Santiago City in land for a week
Trip in Land for City life at the Capital, Santiago. August.
Santiago City 33.27.00 S 70.38.00 W
First days of August. Winds set badly for our Pacific run it was time to go inland and sleep on a bus, like you do. Five hundred miles overnight through the vine yards for an August week of City life in capital city Santiago.
Club de Union, English life abroad with five course lunches below ceilings of Tudor carvings with cool Italian marble floors.
Ever more Guia Scouts to meet, International Director Pia Valdivia and Guia Secretary Bestabe Irigoyen. Perfect timing to meet the Queens Girl Guides on their Chile Gold project, Charlotte, Andrea, Lindsey, Sam, Rachel, Helen & Kirsty.
A view of our future
travel at the Rapu Nui exhibition in the Palace and a walk through time at the
pre Columbian art gallery to see work of the Aztecs. A city of smog with
fantastic views of snow capped mountains all around, metro underground like
London and a hillside zoo above the Covent garden land of Bellavista. A
funicular to the hill top statue Immaculate Conception for prayers on
Sunday. |