12 utc position for the last day of July

Beyond the bay of Camamu Leaving our untouched mangrove paradise of the tiny island of Goio we were re stocked with fresh coco nut cake from one of the fishermen as we left the bay of Camamu rounding the Muta point for more push south. Exquisite beaches stretched the length of the Marau peninsula, Praia Taipus de For, four miles south, some say the best in Brazil but there was no Sainsbury’s here, no pot noodles, just Mata Atlantic rainforest and mangroves. The sea beckoned for us, Rio was on the dial and the Abrolhos Islands three hundred miles ahead promised snorkeling of the world standards, besides we had a date with the whales. Heading South it was time for time at sea, an oil rig monster the size of the Eifel Tower of Marau then more darkness of black proportions for phospherant beauty. The towns of Itacare and Illuse slipped by with red glows in the evening darkness, we hunted ten knots of beam wind promised by the forecast but unable to find it the Polly Perkins pushed us along at six and a half knots for sixteen hundred revs with a healthy current to help. Morning sunlight of epic proportions that you only ever find at sea and then muesli like English abroad, bacon and egg, dreaming but not real. 12 utc position for the last day of July is 16.02.25 S 38.24.06 W |