Tue 1st December 09 18.30N 40.40.W

Ca Canny
Tue 1 Dec 2009 13:13
Hello Everybody,
We are still in the running.
I never thought there would be anything to report.
I must say that yesterday, I started to appreciate the effort of cooking in the galley.
Paul has been cooking everyday bar one evening that Alan cooked and me giving it a go last night.
With all the windows and hatches open, I couldn't get the water to cook, so I closed everything. It started to get very hot, I started to sweat and feel sick. Ate my own conconction which only made it worse.
Funny, the 2 times I ate something with tomato sauce, past and garlic, I get seasick.
So I end up on the foredeck to get fresh air and feel better.
I notice 4 little holes in the bottom of the parasailer. It was 19.00 hours.
Next thing, we put up the foresail, parasail down, wash the sail, tape the holes. 
By this time, it is dark, the wind has increased to over 20 knots. 
So we leave the genoa up for the rest of the night. We keep having the same speeds as with he parasail, unbeleavable. 
Paul has a rough night with windspeeds up to 28 knots and swells up 5 to 6 meters. With the boat dissapearing in the troughs.
In the morning, we changed back to the parasail. We are getting slick at it, just in 15 minutes without any glitses. 
After this, I got my head down again. Jai is sitting in the driving seat. /We are running on windvane autopilot. Paul is reading his Dick Frances and skipper is on the SSB listening for info and messages. 
While we where changing the sails we got a phone call from John on Amazing Grace. 
Paul took the phone. We agreed to communicate further over the SSB at the agreed time: 18.00 hours to hear more. 
So how is our day structured and who does what. The central point in the day is the 12.00 position transfer to Cowes in England. At this time, I usually start writing something for the blogg. Paul starts to prepare something for lunch. Jamie sits in the driving seat on duty, listening to music and Alan is listening to the daily messages from the other boats.
What other duties are there. 
Paul takes very well care of the meals, the remaining provision. The dishes are done by the other crew. 
After our evening meal and the disches, the laptop is installed on the outside table, The Hustle series is viewed, 2 episodes each night. Skipper usually goes for a few hours of sleep. Jamie starts with the first watch at 19.00 till 22.00 hours. Paul continues till 01.00.
Then Alan takes over till 04.00, then its my turn till 07.00 after which Jamie continues. 
We complete the log book at every watch shift. 
During the first few days we still had things to sort out like the water maker, etc. 
Now the main concern is to preserve the parasail so we can finish in style and without a huge bill. The other constance is the energy balance. The batteries are depleting rapidly.
So we have the solar panel on the canopy, the generator and we run the engines to top up the batteries. 
Now in the afternoon, we have no major shores, so we try to catch up on sleep, read a bit or Paul & Jamie play cards. The time flies by very fast. 
We are going to have this kind of weather for the next 5 days. relatively big swells, wind 15 to 20 knots. Last night we wrote down our ETA for a bet. (Estimated Arrival Times)
We have past this morning the 1200 miles to go. 
The Grib files show more conservative winds.
We basicallygo with the flo of the tradewinds and currents. 
We have send photo's on 2 consecutive days. the first time 4 and the second time 7.
So they should all be available Tine.
I was glad to hear you had a reasonable day yesterday. Think of you working away. 
I am so gratefull for this experience of a lifetime.
Hi Zoe,
Hope you're enjoyning your last few days in school before your holidays.
Looking forward to see you and mum a week on saturday in St Lucia.
Hi from Jamie. I just clocked my highest SOG of 18.6 knots.(Speed Over Ground)
Hi papa Larry,
Wish you and Mary where here with your canoe, for us to try and keep up with you.
Everyone has been thorougly sick, so you don't have to ask again. It doesn't last very long though. We all have sealegs now and everything rocks and rolls with the boat.
Hi Isobel,
I  making sure there is plenty of fish to catch when you come. We are going to fast anyway to haul them is.
From the SSB position messages, we find out that we are ahead of a lot of boats and distances which baffle us.
We only want to be and stay safe on our passage. We are not pushing the limits, just to reassure everyone.
Yes, I've not mentioned washing. We are taking a shower twice a week whether we need or not. But the last shower Paul took, he stuck to the side like velcro, so it was deemed necessary.
So I'll send this off for today.