Day 2: Douglas

"Into Africa" More than a Motorcycle Adventure
Howard Fairbank
Wed 24 Apr 2013 04:03
29:03.21S 23:46.11E From Calvina I tried to keep away from the main highways heading to Johannesburg, and ending up going through the Northern Cape towns of Carnarvon, then Prieska, to Douglas. Gee, it was as though this area hadn’t heard that there was a ‘new’ South Africa. The farmers are still all white, and the towns all have there well attended NGK Kerk, and the congregation seemed all white. The only noticeable difference was that the centre of the towns was really busy with people of all race and shapes and sizes. Douglas is a small town on the confluence of the Vaal and Orange Rivers. I stayed at very nice, B+B, run in traditional Afrikaans style |