Yalova to Poraskoy

Minka of Southampton - Cruising Log
Edmund Wigan
Thu 10 Jul 2014 12:48
Position 41:12.310N 29:07.828E

Much to my surprise we made this trip in one hop. I had planned to stay at the southern end of the Bosphorus overnight. However, after an early start........

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....... we made good time past Princes Islands

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And up into the Bosphorus.......

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......passing this building on little island. Lots of ferry dodging although in fairness they were very well behaved and often gave me a whole metre to spare.

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The main reason why I made such good time was because the maximum current against us was 3kts
........I had been warned to expect up to 6. Even the 3kts was only in the narrow parts.

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You can see the current affecting this West Cardinal mark. Yes I was on the wrong side of it.

We were a bit slower than usual as Minka has a dirty bottom and propeller after spending a month in the Marina. I will spend a day at anchor here tomorrow and give her a clean.

More photos in the next blog.