Karagoz Koyu to Ugazi
Position 36:19.524N 29:84.45 E Continuing to retrace our steps we motored and sailed back to Ugazi. Colin helmed most of the way and we did manage to sail for a while. It was about 30nm in total. Colin and I went ashore leaving the galley slave on board as we did a bit of shopping and Colin took the opportunity to look at some of the ruins. Colin’s influence on our shopping means we now have a crate of beer on board……. The highlight of this trip was my attempt to get my Dubarry deck shoes to stop smelling. Phil suggested I soak them in a bucket of seawater so I thought it would be better if we towed them behind the boat. My devious crew decided to tease me by removing them from the tow rope whilst I was distracted down below. When I found them gone I was quite relieved as they are not good company and therefore somewhat disappointed to find they were still on board. Sorry no photos as we have been here before. |