Khalkis - more photos

Minka of Southampton - Cruising Log
Edmund Wigan
Sat 17 May 2014 05:51
This is the bridge from the north side. It slides back under the road each side rather than lifting. Khalkis is apparently the only place in Greece which has tides. You should be able to see the disturbance in the water. You can only go through the bridge when it is slack water.
Minka at anchor.
The seat on the dinghy slots into two straps which have been threatening to break for a while. They have now broken so the solution is to use one on Minka's new fenders as a seat. It is much more comfortable.
We moved onto the town quay ready to go through the bridge that night. The day before waves had been breaking over the quay.
I hope this photo shows the strength of the tidal stream. It reminds me of the swellies which is the narrow gap between Anglesey and mainland Wales.