Nisos Evstratios to Mirina, Nisos Limnos 27.5.2013
The berth I was on in Evstratios proved very exposed with a large swell rolling in when the wind built during the night. There was a steady 20kts with 30 kt gusts. I was awake most of the night making sure there was no damage and left as soon as it got light to come to Nisos Limnos, a trip of 20nm. We sailed all the way with some strong winds making good time. The ferry did leave at 0630 and eventually overtook me. Funny things cameras, it was only a third of a mile away. The misty land in the distance is one of the northern Greek peninsulas which was about 40 miles away. This is a lovely sheltered harbour and I was greeted by some fellow yachties who took my lines. The harbour entrance is to the left. The inner fishing boat harbour. The view from Minka’s berth. More about the castle on the hill in a later blog. The beach inside the harbour. Minka on her berth, even I am not sure which she is. |