The last part of the River Svir and crossing Lake Onega

Minka of Southampton - Cruising Log
Edmund Wigan
Sun 17 Jul 2011 12:44
Position N62 04.488  E035 13.174
We passed a boatyard with a river boat out on props which gives an idea of the design needed to deal with shallower parts of the waterways.
Soon after this we came to the entrance to the Lake where we picked up a new pilot for the lead boat.
There were a few Russian chaps who were very excited by the yachts and kept climbing onboard so their pals could take photos of them.
The crossing of the lake was straightforward and we sailed most of the way arriving at an agreed anchorage so that the lead boat could guide us up the channel which eventually leads to the canals. There was some charming Russian children sailing a dinghy who came and had a chat.
On the way up the channel to Kizhi island we passed this building which is a museum.
Whilst at anchor I went for a swim and washed my hair in the river! I then swam over to the lead boat which I am quite proud of as it was at least 200 mts.
This island seems to be a tourist attraction and we are going on an excursion either today or tomorrow. This vagueness is one of the delights of our organisers but in fairness, as with all sailing you can never be certain of arriving anywhere to plan.