
Mark & Helen Syrett
Sun 11 Dec 2016 12:43
25:78.36N 80:13.14W

We made it to Heathrow with 12 minutes to spare having been held up by an accident on the M3. We arrived in Miami after a ten hour flight which took us over St Johns and Maine and down over New York.
A taxi from the airport took us to the hotel La Flora in South Beach, Miami. 
We awoke in the morning rather early as our body clocks were 5 hours ahead and went for a walk on the beach just one block away. The La Flora is in the art deco area of South beach—much to Helen’s delight. The hotel is basic, but clean, very friendly with an extremely comfortable bed and good shower. What more could one want especially as the main Ocean Drive drag and the beach are less than five minutes walk.

We decided upon an early walk-on the beach with the rising sun. It was raining and windy!!

The locals said this was the worst weather that they had experienced this year and that it was due to last three days———we are only here for three days!
The bus top tour of Miami seemed the logical thing to do so off we went. It was excellent.

Ocean Drive—the road right along South Beach. All restaurants and hotels.

The cruise ship terminal had about eight enormous cruise ships—weekend change over.
The hop on, hop off bus tour was in three parts——the South Beach art deco area, the main city area in Downtown Miami and the resident/immigrant areas where the segregation of races had evolved over many years.
Many areas had a lot of wall art used for film making.