Mark & Helen Syrett
Wed 20 May 2015 10:32
55:51.972N 05:24.582W
We decided not to blow up the dinghy and go ashore at Campbeltown despite the lure of 20 whisky distillieries!
We set off at 0745 to catch the tide for the 35 mile passage to Tarbert. A really good sail for the first three hours with wind between 15 and 25 knots.
We were then hit by a series of rain squalls which came flying over the tops of the adjacent hills——the wind shot up to 33.6 knots with the helmsman trying to avoid the icy rain that was lashing into his face, described like being hit by shards of glass!
We arrived in Tarbert after a hard beat up the loch for the final five miles and went onto the marina where we could attach to shore power and turn on our greenhouse heater!
Alain and Bernadette arrived three hours later having had a lie in and missed the best of the tide.
This is a pretty place and this coming Bank Holiday weekend it is hosting the Loch Fyne regatta which we were told by a local, who is manning a race committee boat, is Scotland’s equivalent of Cowes Week with over 150 entries. The tentage with only one framed tent does not compete with Cowes but no doubt the malts will be good!
Next stop is the Crinan Canal on either Thursday or Friday.