Sainte Marine to Camaret

Mark & Helen Syrett
Sun 29 Jun 2014 08:59
We spent yesterday in Benodet/Sainte Marine, firstly crossing the Odet river on the ferry and reprovisioning in Carrefour, buying the most delicious seafood pie in the Charcuterie and two tarts aux pommes in the boulangerie. After lunch on board we walked out to the point, past the lighthouse and the semaphore station (built by Napoleon to keep tracks on the British) to watch the classic yachts finish their races. There are some superb examples of wooden yachts of all sizes and rigs racing, the tlc and varnish required to maintain them does not bear thinking about.
Today, having checked the forecast for the next few days, we set off in the rain an hour before slack tide (in the Odet river the tide is king, mistakes are easy to make and expensive to rectify) and sailed out through the racing fleet to the Point de Penmarch, where the wind was on the nose. We had not used our wet weather gear for three years but we needed it today. The forecast wind direction did not materialise so having motored round the Point, we then had to motor up to reach the tidal gate at the Raz de Sein, some four hours away. Once through the Raz however we had a great sail to Camaret, using the route plotted last year, arriving at 21.25 and picking up a mooring. Supper was a tin of Heinz baked beans from Indonesia!