
Mark & Helen Syrett
Mon 25 Jul 2011 17:16
We set off at 6.30 yesterday with 50 miles to go. We put the mainsail up with 2 reefs and sailed from our anchorage in Peniche, which was more comfortable than the marina as there was a pop concert going on in the harbour!
After a couple of hours we were sailing too far westwards so took the mainsail down to run south on the genny. After lunch Mark was having his post-lunch nap and the wind was increasing quite quickly, (the forecast had been 5-6 gusting 7)so I woke him, we gybed and reduced sail. The wind carried on increasing as we approached Cabo Roca till we beat Henry's speed record in Marita by recording 11.6 knots, the wind having increased to gale force. The sun was shining and the swell was being flattened by the wind so we rounded the Cape into Cascais, where we dropped anchor at 16.10. The strong winds continued blowing till 5.30am so we were awake checking the anchor for most of the night.
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