Christmas 2011at Nelson's Dockyard

Mark & Helen Syrett
Tue 27 Dec 2011 12:19
Christmas with a difference to say the
On Christmas Eve twenty one of us from six boats
went to supper at the Admirals Inn where they provided a very good
![]() At 2215 we (Mark, Helen, Tom, George and Moin
(the German boat) and some from Camelot (the Norwegian boat)) went in a taxi to
the local Anglican Church. When we arrived there were about a dozen people there
but no choir or organist. The priest was leading the 'warm up' singing with
gusto in true Caribbean fashion and introduced each carol/hym with the words
''we will try hymn number....''.
For one hymn we were told to clear our throats as
there were going to be some high notes, so a lot of coughing and gurgling took
place. As we ''tried'' more congregation arrived including the choir members and
the organist. At 2300 a full communion service started. The Peace took
rather a long time as nearly everybody shook hands with each other. The sermon
was delivered with great feeling and vocal strength with crys and murmurs
of yes from the congregation in approval of various points that were
made. All visitors (about 15) to the Church were asked to
stand and we were then clapped in welcome by the congregation.We finally
went back to the boat at about 0030.
In the morning we walked to Tom and Nadine's
B&B to skype our families. We sat on the verandah overlooking English
Harbour and Nelson's Dockyard---a great view.
![]() After that it was back to the boat for the BBQ and
steel band which played continuously all day until it was dark at
![]() ![]() A lovely yacht called Elena (London
registered) came into the dock.
![]() There was a real party atmosphere with large
quatities of booze consumed---this was sold in aid of two local
Mark had his usual post Christmas lunch siesta and
was duly photographed as were two more generations of Syretts----George and
Yannick. Who was looking after who?
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