Lagos again!

Mark & Helen Syrett
Thu 18 Aug 2011 17:51
We are here in the marina for two nights as having said goodbye to Niall and Janie yesterday, we have had Mark's brother Martin with his wife Adrienne and boys Freddie and Harry on board for the day. We motored out into the Bay and went to see the caves, then dropped an anchor for lunch. Afterwards we sailed across the Bay and back before returning to the Marina and saying goodbye to them. Our Windex data box went back to the UK with Niall and hopefully George will be able to bring it back when he comes out here next week. We are mightily relieved that George is safely home this afternoon having done the Fastnet Race. Well done Jua Kali.
Tomorrow after some boat jobs we are going back to Portimao for a few days at anchor within the breakwater next to the beach where we were earlier this week and will meet up with Stephen who is sailing with us on his catamaran Karacool

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