We finally left Flushing at 8pm on Election Day - the forecast had changed and the winds were not as strong according to the grib files. Having motored across the Bay with the wind on the nose we put the sails up and rounded the Lizard, sailing into a lumpy sea. On towards Lands End and the wind increased, the seas were building and it was freezing cold. At 6am it started to rain. The combination of cold, sea and rain made Helen seasick for only the second time in her life. We sailed on with 2 reefs in the main and a small jenny. The wind increased to 25-27 knots and the decision was taken to make for Milford Haven rather than spend another night at sea. It took until 8pm to reach the Haven with big seas and high winds, where we picked up a mooring. Supper followed by a fight for the single hot water bottle finished the first leg of our trip.