Fw: Bermuda to Azores, 31st May 2010 Day 15

Bermuda to Azores, 31st May 2010 Day
15 Hello Everyone, How about this? We are currently about 65 miles South of Horta, the Azores. Hooray! We all know that all miles are the same, but, somehow, the remaining miles are bit different and special. Over the past two weeks we've battled the elements, trite conversation, boredom and a giant squid (a picture of the recent attack was provided by our local Azorean news affliate early this morning). I'm happy to report that we survived it all, however, I suspect the indigestion from this evening's canned dinner will likely extend well into next week. We're all really looking forward to a hot shower, fresh dairy products and a bit of rest. Sadly, as a result of our delayed arrival, we've missed the Sex and the City 2 premiere, but I'm sure SJP will understand. To say that the weather has been wet, might be the understatement of the trip. I don’t think it has stopped once for the last 4 days. Beer, (Michael) and Quentin have adapted bin liners as improvised underwear, to make up for the shortcomings in the supposed waterproof clothing we are wearing. They look quite fetching and, we may see them again as the the Fall 2010 Brooks Bros ‘must-have’ sailing accessory. As a small aside from the day to day fact-fest you have been enjoying, here is a little snippet from a cockpit conversation recently. Mogul, speaking to Quentin and Beer : ‘’Is there any reason why I should not detest you two?’’ This was followed by an astonished silence. That is how it sounded - quite rude I agree but, in context, we had been discussing rock bands, especially enduring, big rock bands, and the question asked was, in fact. ‘’Is there any reason why I should not detest U2?’’ and there you have it, misunderstandings are easily created. All seems forgiven, but I still study my food and drinks carefully! Strangely, Beer responded "you're a *****" - I don't think i'm familiar with that artist. With that we leave you for now - The Knightriders.