Knightime Bermuda - Azores Day 3 19th May 2010

Thu 20 May 2010 18:11

Bermuda to Azores, 19th May 2010

34:32.8N 62:01.3W

Hello everyone. Today we have made good progress and, finally, in the right direction. Last night we had good winds but from exactly the wrong direction so some time was being obliged to sail away from our planned course.
Today has been mostly overcast but with favourable and improving winds and a moderate sea. Nightime (get it?) temperatures are falling as one would expect and even though there has been no rain, our clothes are pretty wet at the end of the watch.
There was a momentary excitement early today when it seemed that we had caught a fish but no fish was seen and thr rod was finally stowed.. Bad Rod!
Once again we have eaten well, with foods supplies holding up nicely. Bacon & eggs for breakfast - I think the refrigeration management has improved and we are reaping the benefits.We have a list of food and where it is stowed however, Thomas seems to have made some slight errors: We  decided to try the tinned ''Gulls Feet'' but could not find them anywhere? Send us a mail Thomas, so we can enjoy them soon!!
Beer was the bravest of us all today, taking a nonchalant bucket bath in the cockpit spa. It looked c.c.cold but he said it was 'refreshing'.
We learned that 'Oboe' left Bermuda about 6 hours after us and is out there somewhere.We will be keeping an eye out for her from now on.
Routine chores continue but the sea movement has made some of the tasks more difficult and some postponed.
Once again all is well aboard and we look forward to keeping you up to date tomorrow. Meanwhile, dont forget you can sends emails to crew members via Knightime {CHANGE TO AT} Mailasail {DOT} com.. hello? anybody out there??
Goodnight from The Knightriders+
P.S. We've run out of that lovely banana bread Granny Darrell, please send more by carrier pigeon.
P.P.S. Try the new feature - A 'Spot the Difference' Picture Quiz - answers on a postcard.

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