Tue 1 Dec 2009 21:51
Greetings one and all from those on the
KNIGHTRIDER EXPRESS, on the BBWT. Overall it has been an interesting
day. We have had brief sightings of sails here and there but no clear views, and
one or two voice contacts from nearby boats on the VHF. We continue to make
impressive progress munching up the miles and the food.
Bit by bit the boat smells sweeter as, one by one, we succumb to the joys of salt water
bathing. Choff's abluting while on a bouncy port tack were less than
successful.The first mistake was to use soap. Normal you might think but, as one
needs both hands to hang on at all times, the slippery hands made life 10 times
harder. The shower area is big, as yachts go, but for those wondering what big
is, think size 10 shoebox. The salt water supply went in via a 5 litre
bottle which proceeded to do a wall of death around the cubicle due to the
rough sea. Then the top fell off the shampoo bottle, making the floor area like
a skating rink, with Choff (for it is he covered in suds), sliding around
utterly out of control and scoring max points on the bruise-o-meter. Helpful
Medi-Hoff, said later, ''no one uses the shower room....we all sit down on the
loo and wash sitting down''. Now he tells me! Anyway, we meet again on watch at
midnight and words will be said.
Our food supply continues to be varied and tasty
but one or two items had to be tossed overboard yesterday due to their inability
to cope with the refrigeration regime. However, with our current pace, there
will be enough food left for a return trip!! Again, one is forced to wonder if
our fellow ARC-ies are eating as well as we are?
Cap'n Kitt, no doubt encouraged by yesterday's
KitKat Fest, produced a fine sunset meal in the cockpit tonight. CJ
Hoffapopoulous is not the only one with an enigmatic smile. El Hoff gets a misty
look just after the daily results come in and he does his arithmetic behind the
curtain. Then, if the figures look good, we have the ''I know something'' smile,
and along come the goodies!!! Yay !
We hope you are enjoying the photos? They show a
little slice of our lives on a day to day basis. If you are not seeing them as
blog attachments, go to ''Gallery'' and look for the yachts' name..
remembering that it is KNIGHTIME, and not Knightrider!!
Yesterday's halfway mark is long forgotten and now
we are looking forward to getting to ''1000 miles only left to
That's all for tonight. Once again we can assure
you that all on board are well. And even if they weren't, the threat of
Medi-Hoff All Gloved Up, would make us fake good health!
Stayed tuned you blog addicts.... but be assured,
we are enjoying them as much as you.
Choff... aka Mogul Mike on behalf of himself and
El Hoff, Cap'n KittKat, Medi-2-Degrees-more-Hoff,
the fragrant CJ Hoffapopoulous after a spectacular bucket wash at the stern
today,, and Pirate in Waiting Peter Van
Den HofferDommer .....Goodnight+ |