Leg 1 - BVI to Bermuda, Day 4

BVI, Tortola to Bermuda 9th May 2010 Day 4 How can it be Day 4 already??? Anyway, we have enjoyed another daytime on Knightime and the Knightriders are bonding well. The sleep patterns are beginning to improve, so the mood has been very relaxed. The only cloud on our horizon has been that the wind, as forecast, has tailed off and we have been obliged to use the engine for a few hours. Hoff says it is good for the engine anyway and it helps to keep the batteries charged up and thus the fridges have stayed impressively cool. We have had a musical day with sounds blasting in the cockpit and sunshine from dawn ‘til dusk. A word about the crew. These guys are not used to roughing it. Over the past few days an astonishing and somewhat impressive array of comfort foods have been consumed. To give the readers an idea.. Drinking Chocolate WITH marshmallows!, Microwave Popcorn, (disgusting), any amount of cereal bars, sunflower seeds, bars and bars of chocolate, tinned nuts with REAL sea salt, Iced tea mix, every energy drink known to man... etc, you get the picture? However, in spite of the lighter winds, we are still making good progress and, as of now, late Sunday afternoon, we have about 350 miles to go to St George’s, Bermuda. Then it’s a 2 day wait for Quentin to arrive. Our other crewmember, Charlotte is already in Bermuda and probably already eagerly camped out in the square awaiting our arrival, with the drinks lined up at The White Horse. Dinner is in the late stages of cooking, and the cabin smells delicious right now (more on this tomorrow whether the taste lived up to the promise) Tonight is the Hoff’s night to cook dinner but, guess what? These delicious cooking smells have been created by Martin and to a lesser extent Birdman. Thanks Heavens it’s not ‘Gull á la Mode’ Once again I am pleased to report that we are all well and happy, and look forward to bringing you more news tomorrow..... Goodnight from The New Knightriders, The Hoff, Michael, Thomas, Martin and Mogul++ |