29:36.6N 65:05.8W

BVI Tortola to Bermuda 11th May 2010 Day 5 What a difference a day makes. When the intrepid knightriders last weighed in, the spa-deck was in full effect and our greatest concern was how best to fend off melanoma. Fast forward to last evening and the story is a very different one indeed. Between 8PM and 6AM the winds grew to an astonishing 36 knots and the seas approached three metres. With our main and headsail reefed in 70% of the way, we headed Northwest and braced for an interesting evening. By morning we were able to tack back to the east, but real progress towards Bermuda continues to elude us. At the time of print, we still remain some 140 nautical miles south of our destination. Thomas couldn’t be more thrilled. You see, as long as we’re at sea, our in-house tramp and all around nomad, Thomas can avoid sleeping outside of the Southhampton Princess until the Circus arrives (The Circus is a boat also headed to the Azores, not a collection of Coney Island miscreants – least me thinks). That said, it’s been a pleasure having our young German friend aboard to share with us a bit of pragmatism as well as his recipe for German Shepherd Pie (not to mention a tome of Sodoku puzzles). Rin-Tin-Tin will be sorely missed! Attached please find a terrific image of the stoic sailors (Mogul and Martin) practicing their craft on the high seas. Goodnight from The New Knightriders, The Hoff, Michael, Thomas, Martin and Mogul++ |