Jobs jobs and more jobs

Wed 14 Nov 2018 11:47
Hi everyone,
apologies for the radio silence. its been busy with jobs. annoyingly the main job hasn't been done yet. the furler is still stuck in DHL who cant register my passport because apparently i have a spanish ID. who knew??
so we (DHL) are trying again to resolve this administration cock up.
Its a good vibe down here in Las palmas with so many nationalities here. We attended the Ocean Cruising Clubs get together at the weekend which was excellent. almost everyone had been across the pond before and some were on their second trip around the globe! great to meet people who have dropped the bonds to "normal life" and sailed away.
We are all busy with smaller jobs such as new cockpit speakers and checking what food we have left from our trip down. we are off to the big supermarket soon to suss them out for supplies.
next challenge is finding a way to get my butane gas cylinder refilled and then buy a new (3rd) cylinder for our passage. it would be awful to run out of gas ont eh final days or week! the prospect of cold coffee or tea doesnt apeal!!!
i'll be more blog aware now and try to update daily...
no cockups so far except DHL....
James, Des and Mike.